Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools

With focus on the production of the future the insitute at the Technical University of Darmstadt develops technologies with enthusiasm, place them in the context of operational processes and empower people to act successfully in the production environment.

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Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools

The Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools at the TU Darmstadt has been facing multiple challenges in recent times. Germinio supported the leadership team on their path to a connected and digitalized organization. 


The challenges the Institute was facing included:

  • Research clusters in manufacturing evolved interdisciplinary over the past years. Rapidly interconnectivity and digitalization took place.
  • High need for effective internal and external teamwork (more and more virtually)
  • Hierarchical organization structure ⇒ silo thinking and acting
  • Collaborative team goals setting vs. individual KPIs








With Professor Weigold´s inspiration of a new collaborative operating model, the team managed to address these challenges with a total of only seven workshop-days with Germinio. This whole process was completely integrated into their every-day worklife. While they were able to keep their operations fully running, it took them about 10 weeks to design the new approach and mindset-wise living it themselves already.


Values definition, one of the key milestones

Professor Weigold and the leadership team defined their core values about they want to behave and treat each other inside and outside the institute.

Value Generation and Delivery
  • Curiosity & Openness
  • Competence & Responsibility
  • Commitment & Proactivity
  • Diversity & Team Spirit
  • Fun & Enthusiasm
Effective Collaboration

With the introduction of mind-setting Network Thinking, the WeQ culture, and innovative tools like Nexenio’s neXboard plus respective templates, the team has taken a huge step forward on their path to becoming more connected and effective. By getting used to the methods introduced, the mindset of the whole team has changed and the culture of the institute and its leadership keeps evolving.

Business Processes
People Centric Business Organization

In a series of weekly on site and virtual workshops at the institute and finally a 2-days offsite in Germinio’s Innovation Center, the leadership team was able to create a new organizational structure with new roles in the leadership circle. With this new organization, they managed to significantly flatten hierarchies, creating a comfortable and connected work environment for the futuristic research clusters.

Culture Change
Target-oriented Goal Setting

At the end of the workshop with the moderation of Germinio founder Matthias Schmitt, the leadership team of the institute has agreed on clear vision and mission statements as well as set ambitious goals with achievable milestones for the future. Key aspect, they went through a paradigm change: The team moved away from their outdated individual KPIs and internalized the concept of visionary OKRs for teams. Now the path to success is the goal, and the employees influence and design this path themselves.

Thanks to the expertise and support of Germinio, we were able to transform our team’s mindset, culture, and organization immensely. We are finally on the right track to becoming a trend-setting institute for data-driven, adaptable manufacturing technologies in resource-efficient, responsive production.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Weigold

Head of Institute, Institute for Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools at TU Darmstadt

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69469 Weinheim


+49 6201 4797966

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